Tuesday, January 18, 2005


I have no faith in humanity. We all think that we are better than everyone else. We would rather step on your face than help your grandmother cross the street. We hide behind group-think and our "religions".

... the other day I was talking with a co-worker. She told me that she is a Jehova's Witness. I realized that she gets the same reaction from people that I get when I tell them about myself.
I wish we could all just step down from our soap-boxes and respect each other.


Go get your kicks from making others feel like shit. Laaard knows I do.
...people with personalized license plates, Bush bumper stickers... etc. I'm too chicken shit to pull up next to them at a traffic light and tell them that I think they are morons.

I'm done caring.
I quit.
No more recycling.
No more eco-friendly products.
No more donations to third world countries.
No more volunteering.
The girl scouts can find some other asshole to eat their thin mints.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:38 AM  

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