Sunday, October 09, 2005

Bush Defrocked?

God, I hope not. I don't want to see the tiny-little Texas pee-pee under that dress.

Top ten reasons Bush sucks today:
1. Harriet Miers nomination
2. He sold his soul to Karl Rove
3. John Roberts
4. His administration's poor disaster management skills
5. Faith-based politics
6. Iraq
7. The mo-fo still can't say 'nu-cle-ar'.
8. Where the hell is the "new Iraqi Army?"
9. He doesn't get that it doesn't matter if they keep catching the "top Al Qaeda operatives". Those guys are like an ant colony. If their queen dies, they just pick a new one.
10. He's got a worse approval rating than Richard Nixon just before his arse was impeached.

This is from the Frank Rich (New York Times article) Faith-Based President Defrocked (Thanks to Ed Strong)

"The best way to get the news is from objective sources," the president told Brit Hume of Fox News two years ago. "And the most objective sources I have are people on my staff who tell me what's happening in the world."

Thus does the White House compound the sin of substituting propaganda for effective action by falling for the same spin it showers on the public.

Beware of leaders who drink their own Kool-Aid. The most distressing aspect of Mr. Bush's press conference last week was less his lies and half-truths than the abundant evidence that he is as out of touch as Custer was on the way to Little Bighorn.

The president seemed genuinely shocked that anyone could doubt his claim that his friend is the best-qualified candidate for the highest court. Mr. Bush also seemed unaware that it was Republicans who were leading the attack on Ms. Miers.

"The decision as to whether or not there will be a fight is up to the Democrats," he said, confusing his antagonists this time much as he has Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden.

Such naked presidential isolation from reality was a replay of his response to Hurricane Katrina. When your main "objective sources" for news are members of your own staff, you can actually believe that the most pressing tragedy of the storm is the rebuilding of Trent Lott's second home...

...Chances are that the number of Americans who still have faith that the light is at the end of either of these tunnels is identical to the number who believe Harriet Miers is the second coming of Antonin Scalia and that Tom Cruise has found true love.


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