Saturday, September 03, 2005

To Dennis the Publican

First, this is my blog and I will explain what I want.

Yes, they were sent over there for oil, among other reasons.
Not to seize oil, or any of the other ridiculous things you suggested, but to make it easier for the US and UK to access mid east oil. This is an over simplification, and I don't care to elaborate, but here are a few articles illustrating my point:

"Iraq has the world'’s second largest proven oil reserves. According to oil industry experts, new exploration will probably raise Iraq's reserves to 2-300 billion barrels of high-grade crude, extraordinarily cheap to produce, leading to a gold-rush of profits for international oil firms in the post-Saddam era. The four giant firms located in the US and the UK have been keen to get back into Iraq, from which they were excluded with the nationalization of 1972. They face companies from France, Russia, China, Japan and elsewhere, who already have major concessions. But in the post-war setting, with Washington running the show, the US-UK companies expect eventually to overcome their rivals and gain the most lucrative oil deals that will be worth hundreds of billions, even trillions of dollars in profits in the coming decades."

There are hundreds more, if you need more convincing.

So please refrain from making condescending, opinionateded, close-minded, un-educated and overtly right-wing-biased comments on my blog. Use your own space for that.

Other points:

1. In the history of the United States, every war-time president has been re-elected.
2. THERE WERE NO WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRUCTION. If you don't remember, that was the justification for invading Iraq in the first place.
3. When they shifted focus to the "human rights atrocities", many organizations, government and NGO called bullshit. What about the thousands of other nations in the world suffering equal or greater government afflicted atrocities? Why aren't we using our military muscle to intervene there?

I call bullshit too.


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