Friday, July 16, 2004

Three cubic inches...

It’s so quiet here today.  Everyone has gone off on some sight seeing adventure.  I'm reveling the opportunity to just sit here and be blank.  The problem with being blank is that there isn't much to write about, which is also just fine. 
Even in the midst of all of this serenity, certain excitements, questions, worries and pressing issues are still bouncing around between my ears.  I suppose I should either acknowledge them, or learn some meditation technique, which will allow me to let them all flutter away.
One thing that's almost constantly on my mind is my tender new love interest.  I suppose that's normal, but it makes it difficult to focus on more practical things like making sure I have clean clothes to wear and not leaving dirty dishes in the sink. 
When happy feelings for someone fresh, wonderful and new begin to blossom, I become increasingly paranoid that I'll repeat the same mistakes from my last disastrous relationship.  I'm informed this is normal, and as a footnote, certain mistakes are very difficult to avoid repeating without a lot of work.  The wild card is the person that I am becoming involved with...
I ignored the warning signs last time, and kept the fact that I had observed said warning signs at all to myself.  The result was that I ended up in a relationship with an unhappy, unhealthy and self-destructive person.  It was like happily agreeing to carry around an anvil on my head.  Except that most anvils I know aren't overly judgmental, angry, paranoid, possessive, untrusting and dishonest.
Okay, so maybe I've picked up more baggage in the past year than I have in my entire tragic life.  It’s taken a few weeks of introspection, and a few hours of conversation with a trained professional to sort through it all and come out healthier in the end.  I have also learned a few key lessons:
1. "I'm not ready to be involved again" means just that.
2. Relationships are juiciest with reciprocity and dry up when there is only one-sided giving.
3. Baggage handling is better left to the professionals at TSA.
4. Its possible to show someone love without giving away the farm.
5. People can't be fixed or healed unless they want to be fixed or healed, and they have to do it themselves.
6. Never eat from a dented can.  Oh, wait.  That one belongs on another list of lessons learned.
At any rate, I have lots to learn, as we all do.  I just want to be healthy and happy. 
As far as new love interests go, I think I'm on the right track.  I feel good, I'm not ignoring any warning signs, I'm crazy about this girl and she likes me too, just the way I am.
You have to crack a few eggs to save your bacon... or something.


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